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CICES Accredited Courses

Accreditation of courses by CICES is a mark of assurance that the programmes meet standards set by industry. The accreditation process gives educational institutions a structured framework from which they can assess, evaluate and improve their programmes. From the student’s viewpoint, they can choose a quality course which may give them an advantage in the job market, plus they get FREE student membership of CICES, then a FREE upgrade to Graduate Member once they have completed the course.

Accreditation of degrees and diplomas by CICES is a mark of assurance that the programmes meet the education standards set by industry, producing graduates with enough knowledge and background to become professional surveyors.

CICES is an international qualifying body dedicated to the regulation, education and training of surveyors working within civil engineering.

Why have your courses accredited by CICES?

Course accreditation by CICES provides a mark of assurance that the programmes meet the standards set by industry; producing graduates with enough knowledge and background to become technical and professional surveyors.

What benefits are there for your educational institution?

CICES accreditation is an accepted and detailed process which drills down into course modules and wider university support systems, ensuring that programmes have industry input, and helping graduates to hit the ground running when they gain employment.

The accreditation process gives educational institutions a structured framework from which they can assess, evaluate and improve their programmes, while from a student ‘s viewpoint they can choose a quality course which may give them an advantage in the job market.

The advantages of professional accreditation are recognised internationally, and have grown in importance to employers as a means by which they can be confident in the skills and professionalism of their graduate employees.

An accredited programme may also have a market advantage for educational institutions wishing to attract international students to the UK.

CICES accredited universities also benefit from friendships formed with their CICES regional committee.

This maintains the university’s link with local professionals and industry input into course development, which can result in joint CPD events for students and CICES members.

What benefits are there for students?

Accreditation means free student membership of CICES for the duration of the course.

For students on degree courses, we offer a period of free graduate membership until the following subscription year.

Graduate member carries the designation GCInstCES.

Student Member benefits include electronic access to our monthly journal Civil Engineering Surveyor, monthly newsletters, reference to a specialist professional body on CVs, access to regional CPD events, eligibility to enter the CICES student prize and awards scheme.

Making an application

University and College course leaders wishing to gain CICES accreditation should submit the following documentation to

  • The course titles and levels (BSc, BEng, MSc etc.)
  • University/College Prospectus
  • Detailed course modules
  • Lecturer CVs
  • 2 x past exam papers for each course
  • Examples of student coursewor

Commercial management degree level courses

Geospatial engineering degree level courses

Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying BSc Quantity Surveying

Glasgow Caledonian University
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

Heriot Watt University
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
MSc Quantity Surveying

Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering Management
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
BSc (Hons) Construction Management
MSc Quantity Surveying
BEng Civil Engineering
Higher Certificate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Loughborough University
BSc (Hons) Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying
BEng Civil Engineering
MEng Civil Engineering

Northumbria University
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying (Degree Apprenticeship)
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
(with Year in International Business)

Nottingham Trent University
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering Degree Apprenticeship
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering Design & Construction
MSc Construction Management
MSc Project Management (Construction)

Sheffield Hallam University
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
BSc (Hons) Professional Practice in Quantity Surveying Degree Apprenticeship
BSc (Hons) Professional Practice in Construction Quantity Surveying Degree Apprenticeship
Certificate of Higher Education in Construction Quantity Surveying Practice
BSc (Hons) Construction Quantity Surveying Practice

Technological University Dublin, Ireland

MSc Applied Construction Cost Management

University College of Estate Management
BSc (Hons) Construction Management
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
MSc Quantity Surveying

University College of Estate Management Hong Kong
BSc (Hons) Construction Management
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying
MSc Quantity Surveying

University of Central Lancashire
MSc Construction Law and Dispute Resolution

University of Derby
BEng (Hons) Civil & Infrastructure Engineering
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
BSc (Hons) Construction Management & Property Development
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management
MEng Civil Engineering
MSc Civil Engineering & Construction Management

University of East London
BSc (Hons) Construction Management

University of Moratuwa
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

University of Salford
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying

University of South Wales
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management

University of West London
BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering
BEng Civil and Environmental Engineering
MSc Civil and Environmental Engineering
Msc Applied Project Management with Internship

University of the West of England
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
(Degree Apprenticeship)
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
(with Foundation Year)
Graduate Diploma Quantity Surveying
MSc Quantity Surveying

Diploma level and other courses/programmes

College of Contract Management
Advanced Diploma in Professional Practice in Contract Management
Certificate in Claims Preparation & Dispute Management
Certificate in Site Contract Management & Change Management
Certificate in Commercial Management
(previously the offered by the Distance Learning Partnership)
Diploma in Commercial Management
(previously the offered by the Distance Learning Partnership)

University of Derby
FdEng Civil Engineering

University of Macau
Advanced Professional Diploma in Construction Commercial Management (Quantity Surveying)

University of West London
FdSc Civil and Environmental Engineering

The below short course by BK SURCO Training has been approved by CICES

NEC Project Management
Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter in Cornwall
MSc Surveying and Land/Environmental Management

Cranfield University
MSc Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing

Curtin University, Australia
BSurv Bachelor of Surveying
BSc (GISc) Geographic Information Systems

Hong Kong Polytechnic University
BSc (Hons) Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
BSc (Hons) Geomatics
MSc Geomatics

Loughborough University
BEng Civil Engineering MEng Civil Engineering

Newcastle University
BSc (Hons) Surveying and Mapping Science
BSc (Hons) Geographic Information Science
BEng in Civil & Surveying Engineering
MEng in Civil & Surveying Engineering

Nottingham Trent University
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering

Plymouth University
BSc (Hons) Ocean Exploration & Surveying
MSci Ocean Science
MSc Hydrography

Royal School of Military Engineering, UK
Surveyor Engineering Class 1

Technological University Dublin, Ireland
BSc Geographic Science
MSc Geospatial Engineering

University of Derby
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
MEng Civil Engineering

University of East London
BSc (Hons) Surveying and Mapping Sciences
BSc Civil Engineering & Surveying
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering
BEng Civil Engineering

University of Glasgow
MSc in Geospatial and Mapping Sciences
PGD in Geospatial and Mapping Sciences
PGC in Geospatial and Mapping Sciences
MSc in Geo-information, Technology and Cartography
PGD in Geo-information, Technology and Cartography
PGC in Geo-information, Technology and Cartography
MSc Land & Hydrographic Surveying
MSc Land & Hydrographic Surveying with Work Placement

University of Otago
BSurv (Hons) Bachelor of Surveying
BSurv Bachelor of Surveying
BSc Surveying Measurement
BSc Land Planning and Development
BAppSc Bachelor of Applied Science (GIS)
PGDipSc Post Graduate Diploma in Science (Surveying)
PGDipAppSc Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (GIS)
MAppSc Master of Applied Science (GIS)
MSurv Master of Surveying
MSc Master of Science (GIS)
MSc Master of Science (Surveying)
PhD Doctor of Philosophy

University of Ulster
BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering

University of the West Indies
BSc in Geomatics

Diploma level and other courses/programmes

University of Derby
FdEng Civil Engineering

University of East London
Fd.Sc. Civil Engineering and Construction Management

Royal School of Military Engineering, UK
Surveyor Engineering Class 2

Sygma Solutions Ltd
Level 3 Utility Surveyor Training

The Survey School 
TSA Surveying Course